Online Application PG * Compulsory field Unaided / Aided* Select Option Unaided Aided Course* Select Course Name of the Applicant* ( Exact Spelling as per 12th Marksheet ) Course Last Studied* Major* Allied - 1* Allied - 2* College Studied * Name of University and Place * Period of study * Date of publication of result of final semester * Class Obtained * Percentage of marks obtained in part III (Major and Allied) * Date of Birth [DD-MM-YYYY]* Sex* Male Female Transgender Community* OC BC Muslim BC Christian BC/Others MBC/DNC SC SCA ST Religion* Caste Name* Nationality* Native Place* Urban/Rural* Urban Rural Blood Group* Name of the Father* Name of the Mother* Name of the Guardian (State Relationship) Father’s / Guardian’s Educational Qualification and Occupation* Annual Income (Rs.)* Address for Communication* Pin* Permanent Address * Pin * Student Mobile Number * Parent Mobile Number * Email* Aadhar Number* If Physically Handicapped Specify the nature of disability* Yes No Are you Son/Daughter of an Ex-serviceman of Tamilnadu Origin* Yes No Are You of Tamil origin From Andaman And Nicobar Islands?* Yes No Distinction in Sports/NCC/NSS Sports NCC NSS Do You Need Hostel Accomodation? (Girls Only)* Yes No Qualifying Examination Passed* Marksheet Photo* Community Certificate Please verify. Validation complete :) Validation failed :( Submit Reset