Department of Commerce (Bank Management)

Banking and Computer Applications system plays a very important part in the Economy of a Country. The extraordinary growth of the banking and finance industry, good career prospects in this field to increasing contributions to the development of the Indian Economy. The department offers an Undergraduate and Postgraduate programme in commerce, with specialisation in Bank Management and with specialization in Computer Applications and it has brought out the need for the establishment of (Bank Management), B.Com (Computer Applications), M.Com (Bank Management) & M.Com (Computer Applications).
This course as per the demands of the students community was started. The B.Com (BM) in the academic year 2002 – 2003, M.Com (BM) in the year 2005 – 2006, B.Com(CA) in year of 2012 – 2013, and M.Com(CA) in the year 2018-19 were started.
The department has produced 69 UNIVERSITY RAN HOLDERS up to 2018 – 2019.
List of Programmes in the Department of Commerce (Bank Management)
- (Bank Management)
- M.Com (Bank Management)